The 5/16″ SDL depth is approximate. Our exterior metal-clad SDL bars are 7.25mm deep, exterior wood Puttys and Ogees are 8mm and 9mm respectively.

The 5/16″ SDL depth is approximate. Interior Square and Putty SDLs are 8mm, Ogees are 9mm.

SDL bars do not require accompanying aluminum shadow bars. Units with no shadow bars achieve great thermal performance.
Shadow bars are often implemented to more accurately simulate the look of true divided lites. Loewen offers a standard “wide” shadow bar and an optional high-performance “narrow” shadow bar.
Our narrow shadow bars eliminate the thermal bridge between glass and bar, therefore achieving the same performance that units with no shadow bars achieve.
As a default, Loewen shadow bars are black, but are also available in a natural stainless steel finish.